

Review Bills Automatically in Real-Time
Available in Canada, Europe, the United States
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Starting at $29 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Review Bills Over 5x Faster

    BillerAssist automatically flags all unusual charges and errors with color codes for quick review. All you have to do is look for the color codes.
  • Prevent Write-Offs and Write-Downs

    BillerAssist helps associates and other timekeepers avoid billing errors as they work. The app automatically flags errors in real time. It also provides suggested descriptions based on your own billing records before your timekeepers finish typing. This ensures efficiency while work is being done and eliminates billing errors at the source.
  • Adapts to Your Firm's Practices

    Automated color codes and flags are applied based on your own billing records, and any changes you make. Internal or client-mandated billing rules can be set by client or by matter. With its machine learning technology, BillerAssist gets smarter the more you use it.

How BillerAssist works with Clio

  • Just import your entries from Clio in one click. Everything else is done automatically. When you are finished reviewing, you can easily export your approved entries back to Clio for invoicing in one click. Our Clio Integration Bar also allows users to easily toggle back and forth with Clio.

Ready to improve your workflow with BillerAssist and Clio? Get Started

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