

Where Attorneys Go To Hire Freelance Lawyers
Available in the United States
Starting at FREE
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Key benefits for your firm

  • Maximize Billing

    Perhaps the coolest feature of the integration is that it allows the freelance Lawclerk to enter their time spent working on a Project directly in the LAWCLERK dashboard. These time entries are then automatically synced to the assigned Clio Matter for your review and billing!
  • Organize Documents

    If your Project involves many documents, this integration is going to save you a ton of time. You can now import documents directly to the LAWCLERK documents library from your Clio Documents file to provide the Lawclerk with the information they need to complete the Project. Once work is completed on a LAWCLERK Project, the completed document files can be exported to the Documents files in the associated Clio Matter.
  • Manage Deadlines & Tasks

    When you post a Project on LAWCLERK, all Project deadlines set in LAWCLERK are automatically synched to the associated Clio Matter to help make sure no deadlines are missed! Also, when you post a Project on LAWCLERK, the Project is automatically created as a Task in the associated Clio Matter.

How LAWCLERK works with Clio

  • One of the many awesome features behind LAWCLERK and our nationwide network of talented freelance lawyers is our integration with Clio. The integration allows your LAWCLERK account and your Clio account to communicate with each other. After you integrate (which takes mere seconds) you can sync deadlines, tasks, time entries and documents between the accounts.

Ready to improve your workflow with LAWCLERK and Clio? Get Started

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