

Boost Your Workflow With Legalboards and Clio
Clio certified app badge.
Available in the United States
Starting at $24 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Be more productive

    Build your customized workflow to streamline your process. Get insights into your work, identify potential delays, and collaborate more effectively both with your team and clients.
  • Automate your workflow

    Let Legalboards take care of the repetitive parts of your workflow by automating updates, checklists, movements, and more.
  • Understand your process

    With Kanban, you can stay organized while tracking your workflow visually as it progresses. You can also use the Dashboard and reports to understand and improve how you work.

How Legalboards works with Clio

  • Automate your legal workflow

    Use Kanban boards to visualize your workflow directly within Clio with the Legalboards tab. Automate your workflow in Legalboards and see them directly within Clio- without entering the same information twice.

Ready to improve your workflow with Legalboards and Clio? Get Started

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