

Record retrieval integrated with Clio for medical and other records
Available in the United States
Starting at $1200 flat fee USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Bi-directional Integration with Clio

    The YoCierge integration with Clio is bi-directional: First, we download the information you entered into the Clio matter to submit the request for records. When the records arrive, we upload the files automatically into your Clio Documents folder.
  • Expenses Registered in Clio

    Whenever we generate an invoice for your record retrieval, we also create an Activity item in Clio for the same amount. This way, you can expense these invoices easily and get reimbursed for our fees when the matter concludes.
  • Medical Expenses Summarized and Uploaded into Clio

    Take advantage of the Medical Expense Tables, our free service for Clio users. When we receive billing records for your client’s treatment charges, we create an excel sheet listing all charges. When a new billing record arrives, we update the same table and upload it to Clio. This way, you will always have an up-to-date summary of how much your client was charged for medical services.

How YoCierge works with Clio

  • Once the YoCierge user is connected with the matching Clio account, they can search on the YoCierge portal among Clio matters in real-time. Orders can be placed using the entries in Clio to avoid double data entries or typos. When the records arrive, they are uploaded into Clio under the relevant matter, together with the expenses in relation to the record retrieval.

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