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'No Client Gets Left Behind' When Doing Intake with Clio Grow

With Clio Grow, Puget Law Group has streamlined their intake process resulting in time and money savings.

Customer Case Study Puget Law

How a solo lawyer reimagined small town law with Clio

With Clio, Elevator Law’s employees work seamlessly in a distributed environment while saving time by automating routine tasks. Learn more about their Clio journey…

Elevator Law

Stuck Using Server-Based Software? Clio Makes the Switch Easy and Painless

David A. Goldberg, Partner, at Taylor & Blair LLP knows the pain of using out-dated software. When he signed on with the firm, the…

Taylor & Blair Lawyers

To Run a High Performing Law Firm, You Need Technology that Scales

US Legal Groups oversees three subsidiary firms with employees in three different states, many working remotely over 50% of the time. Since adopting Clio,…

Colorado Legal Group Case Study Header

How Ledger Square Law Said “No” to $50,000 in Offsite Document Storage

Jason Whalen’s previous firm spent over $50,000 on offsite document storage—and still struggled with clutter. With Clio, he knew he could do it differently.

Ledger Square Law

How a solo practitioner increased leads by 70%—and cut admin time by 90%—with Clio

With Clio, solo practitioner Tatevik Gasparyan increased her leads by 70% and cut administrative time by 90%. Learn more about how she’s achieved these…

Tatevik Gasparyan

6 Ways Clio Helps Evolve Family Law Build its Business

Beau Atkins, CEO at Evolve Family Law, had used Clio at a previous firm and saw its potential in helping him start his own…

Clio Resource

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